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I am your father…

Movies have always been huge for me.  The first movie I remember seeing in a theatre was a double header;  Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars, Return of the Jedi.  I must have been 7? 8 years old and on my first ‘date’ with Jasmine.  I don’t know her last name, I wish I did.  I’d facebook her for sure.  See if she remembers me spilling the orange pop we bought from the concession stand to share during the flicks.  White shirt + Orange Pop = Bad combination.  Cut me some slack.  The counter was taller than I was at the time.  She still kissed me, so there!

Now, you may believe Star Wars is the definitive trilogy for me, but you’d be wrong.  My image to is indeed my homage to Darth, Yoda, Chewy, R2, C3P0 and the incestuous twins, Luke and Leia.  I recognize what Lucas did and applaud him for retaining merchandising rights; brilliant moves.  I do not,  however, recognize anything he’s done to that universe since .. say … 1985.  Jar-Jar is something Jacob two-two asks for when he wants Strawberry Jam.  That is all I have to say on that point.

 To me, in my mind, the best series of movies of my generation, is the Lord of the Rings.  Count me in the group of folks who did NOT look forward to the theatrical release of Fellowship, but fell into the FanBoy camp by the time credits rolled.  If they made an Advent type chocolate calendar to count down the release of ‘The Two Towers’ – I would have fattened up like a turkey in September. 

 I’ll grant there were a few scenes (the last 25 minutes of Fellowship, for example), that ran a little long….and a few other scenes that made me seriously question Bilbo and Frodo’s sexuality, but all in all, the best series of movies I have seen in my life, and some amazing casting.  Serkis (Gollum) nailed his role completely.  So much so, that every time I see the man in person, all I see is Gollum.  I hope his wife doesn’t feel the same way….or maybe she does…and while laying in bed, for giggles, she plays with his hair and repeats ‘My precious…’ over..and over again.

Who knows, but it’s fun to imagine!

Until tomorrow!

Written by Clint

January 11, 2011 at 8:51 pm